torsdag 29. oktober 2009

Forsvars- og tryggingspolitikk

Ny ørn i foreningen
Greie leiesoldater?
NATO på ville veier
-Uopprettelig skade


Fiskerikrisa og vi

Eit par bøker/artiklar om utviklinga av den sosialdemokratiske velferdsstaten

Gregory M. Luebbert (1991): Liberalism, Fascism, or Social Democracy: Social Classes and the Political Origins of Regimes in Interwar Europe

"This work provides a sweeping historical analysis of the political development of Western Europe in the late 19th and early 20th century. The author argues that the evolution of most European nations into liberal democracies, social democracies or facist regimes was attributable to a discrete set of social and class alliances within individual nations. In Britain, France and Switzerland, countries with a unified middle class, liberal forces established political hegemony before World War I. By co-opting considerable sections of the working class with reforms that weakened union movements, liberals essentially excluded the fragmented working class from the political process, remaining in power throughout the inter-war period. In countries with a strong, cohesive working class and a fractured middle class, Luebbert points out, a liberal solution was impossible. In Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Czechoslovakia, political coalitions of social democrats and "family peasantry" emerged as a result of World War I, resulting in social democracies. In Spain, Italy and Germany, on the other hand, the urban middle class united with a peasantry hostile to socialism to facilitate the rise of fascism."

Manow, Philip (2007): Electoral Rules, class coallitions and welfare state regimes: How to explain Esping-Andersen with Stein Rokkan

onsdag 7. oktober 2009


Trond Andresen: Et ingeniør-blikk på Frp og venstresida
Trond Andresen: Akademiske motebølger
Trond Andresen + Bjørgulv BraanenVelkommen ca. 10-12 år etter (Er det et forsinket oppgjør med postmodernismen vi ser?)
Bjørgulv Braanen: Verdikamp
Bjørgulv Braanen: Giskes Ap
Bjørgulv Braanen: Ulikheter
Bjørgulv Braanen: En folkelig bevegelse uten folk som liker Cowboy-Laila og Sputnik er utenkelig
Kari Gåsvatn: Tid for rødgrønn populisme
Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel: Motkultur-saus om Frp
Knut Kjeldstadli: Det reelle partiet
Walter Benn Michaels: Against Diversity
Norsk utgåve: Imot mangfold [pdf]

Walter Benn Michaels: What matters
Andreas Halse: Venstresida vant
Albert Einstein: Hvorfor sosialisme [pdf]?
Pax Leksikon: Kulturradikalisme

Audun Lysbakken og Ingvar Skjerve: Tilskuerne [pdf]
Dan Josefsson og Daniel Suhonen: Arena - helt utan rörelse
Aron Etzler: Arena duger inte för 2010-talet
Vänstern, makten og auktoriteten

Intervju med Tariq Ali: Den antiimperialistiska vänstern och islam
Christopher Boehm: Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior